Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Ministry Role

We are humbled and grateful to have accepted the call of the Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association to serve as their Executive Director of Missions beginning officially October 1.

I had the privilege to preach and share missions vision and philosophy last night with the Association's Executive Board. Luke and I flew back from packing out in Prague arriving in Kansas City a few hours before going to the meeting. Debbie is still in Prague for a few more days wrapping things up and teaching English to Czech kids at an outreach camp. She will return to the US Saturday night. Our goodbyes were difficult and draining in Prague with Czech friends and IMB colleagues. Part of our heart will always be in eastern europe and we are grateful to God for the relationships and the privilege we had to serve there for 8 years.

As a result of this leading of the Lord in our life, we look forward to this new ministry and getting moved to Kansas City. Luke actually began school today! It's been hectic but God has been gracious.

We'll share more details later but wanted to get this update out and thank the many of you who have been praying for us.


Rodney, Debbie and Luke

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teri Tarleton Funeral and Latest Family Info

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. God has been gracious to us this summer. Since I last wrote we had two good weeks of time with my family in Arizona, traveled again to Kansas City where Debbie's parents live, and were able to attend Teri Tarleton's funeral in Oklahoma City earlier this week.

It was truly a blessing to be with Ed and kids, the Tarleton family, and many CEE'ers in Oklahoma City for Teri's funeral. While we and all still grieve the sudden loss of Teri, the funeral was truly a wonderful celebration of a life devoted to Christ and wonderfully God honoring. It was warmly moving, fitting, lovingly evangelistic, and a tremendous display of missionary family honoring and loving their own. We were honored to be there and to get to hug and see so many. We continue to pray with you for Ed, Adam, Anna, Rachel and Rebecca and the whole family.

As for us, we leave tomorrow for a bittersweet time of packing out in Prague, selling and giving things away, and preparing other things for a move to the States. We will be in Prague August 11-17. Luke and I will return to the States on August 18 and Debbie will stay longer to help with English outreach camp for kids and finish up some details. We regret that we are unable to attend any AGMs this summer but look forward to seeing some of you in Prague. Please pray especially for our time with Czech friends while we are in Prague, and the opportunities Debbie will have at English outreach camp.

On August 19 the Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Assocation's Executive Board will meet and I will preach and share "in view of a call" as their potential Director of Missions. Please pray that they and we will know the Lord's confirmation if that is what God has for us next. If the vote is affirmative, Luke will begin school August 20 in Lees Summit, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City where the Assocational office is.

We will be in touch again after August 19! Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement.

Rodney, Debbie and Luke